Pediatric Services

Pediatric occupational therapy services are provided primarily through Eastern Health with specialized services offered at the Janeway Child Health and Rehabilitation Centre and three outreach positions located in Corner Brook, Grand Falls and Gander.

Additionally some regional health boards allocate a small percentage of their therapists’ caseload for pediatric follow up. There are also some private services available. There are 12 occupational therapists employed through the Janeway Child Health and Rehabilitation Centre working in areas such as acute care, rehabilitation services for children with physical disabilities and for children who have developmental and learning disabilities.

OT’s In Acute Care & Rehabilitation

The therapist in acute care works with a number of teams to assess and manage children with feeding problems, musculoskeletal involvement, neurological insult secondary to congenital anomalies, trauma or cancer and developmental delay. Therapists in the rehabilitation program work on an interdisciplinary team providing services such as postural seating, feeding programs, sensory motor therapy, technical aids, school based consultation and parent education. Service is provided through tertiary clinics, day programs, regional based positions and traveling clinics throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Therapists in the development and learning program also work on an interdisciplinary team. Services focus on the assessment and management of children with sensory motor dysfunction resulting in limitations in functional skill development. There is a strong emphasis on parent education and home and school programming in all areas.

Interested in Becoming an OT?

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